Dec 29, 2021Liked by Amy Peikoff

I preface this comment with the thought that I may be wrong in my analysis of the situation.

Assuming I am not....

There is so much in the last couple years that 'seems' obviously illegal. Maybe I am wrong and don't understand the complexity; however, It doesn't seem like a Supreme Court justice is needed to understand our Constitution has been usurped. Individuals, like myself, seem completely powerless as we lack connections, money, and knowledge to fight back.

I believe anyone from a position of authority that coerces anyone to do something they don't want to do OR uses the position of authority to knowingly trick someone to do something the normally would not want to do should be legally charged and swiftly jailed (not fined) for their actions.

Until there is swift and real punishment for those involved in such things will not change.

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No not because I am mean or have no care or empathy but because it is not my responsibility. I’m sorry but that’s socialized medicine in my opinion how can I be responsible for someone else whether they are a child or adult just because I am sympathetic and empathetic? Of course I have care and compassion for all children that does not make me responsible in the eyes of God even we are our fellow man’s protector we are not their provider. I have been taught that we are our brothers keeper however we are not our brothers provider. Responsibility starts at home being complicit being self-serving and being Aware of evil is not the same thing. Just one man’s opinion

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“Don’t Let It Go” - what a great title. Nope, I’m not going to let it go. I’m going to call out the Nazis and their collaborators until my dying breath. No, their perfidy will not be memory holed around me, by no one. No, they won’t be forgiven. No. Sic Semper Tyrannus.

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